Therapeutical Aspects Regarding Pancreatic Pseudocysts
Oana Ilona David, Valentin Titus GrigoreanReview Articles, no. 3, 2018
Article DOI: 10.21614/chirurgia.113.3.353
Frequently appearing as a complication of pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocysts are rare appearances in current medical practice. Multiple therapeutical options are available, from minimum invasive methods to complex open surgical techniques. The indications of drainage include symptomatic pseudocysts, large pseudocysts along with the development of complications such as hemorrhage, secondary infection, and rupture. Choosing the best drainage technique is often a challenge. Multiple factors need to be considered in managing a pseudoocyst, including its location, dimension and the patient’s general state and comorbidities. Thus, a therapeutical algorithm may be of great use in choosing the most feasible technique for the diagnosed lesion that is also patient-adapted.
Keywords: pancreas, pseudocyst, treatment, drainage