Surgery of the Esophagus

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Surgery of the Esophagus

Silviu Constantinoiu
Book review, no. 6, 2019
Article DOI: 10.21614/chirurgia.114.6.824
On the 14th of November 2019, around 5-6 PM, stuck in a traffic jam towards Coltea Hospital, the oldest hospital in the capital city of Romania founded by Prince Mihai Cantacuzino. The one held in traffic was me - Teodor Horvat - and my car, leaving from Fundeni Hospital to attend the book signing event of the most extensive Treatise of Oesophageal Surgery ever written in Romania, the English version.
The event was about to take place at the monthly session of scientific communications of the Romanian Society of Surgery - Bucharest branch.
As I was driving as slow as a snail, I had enough time to reflect on the two editions of the Treatise and its authors.
The Romanian version of the Treatise was published at the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy and printed at "Curtea Veche" typography in 2017. I know the Treatise inside and out since I carefully read each of the 1500 pages (size A4); I wrote a book report and the Foreword.
To the surprise of some, after less than two years since the Romanian version of the Treatise of Oesophageal Pathology and Surgery was published, professor Silviu Constantinoiu bit the bullet. The classical expression above fits perfectly to the coordinator, who is also the first author. I can easily state that only a lionhearted person like he is could have accomplished what he managed to do in the Romanian surgery. Hence, I can wittingly affirm that this bilingual Romanian - English Treatise is a unique monument.