Minimally Invasive Treatment of Cholecysto-choledochal Lithiasis - Rendez-vous Technique

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Minimally Invasive Treatment of Cholecysto-choledochal Lithiasis - Rendez-vous Technique

B.A. Safta, M. Grigoriu, R. Palade, D. Ion, D.N. Păduraru, A. Bolocan
Original article, no. 6, 2013
Introduction: In our paper we present the results of a study thatwas meant to provide a complex answer to the question:“Which is the most appropriate, most correct and leastexpensive treatment for mixt cholecysto-choledochal lithiasis(MCCL)?”Material and Methods: Based on a five year experience (2008-2012), analysed retrospectively, during which 143 patientswith MCCL were treated, we are trying to find answers tosome of the questions that we have asked ourselves from thevery beginning of this period. The answers were guided byalternative therapeutic options, for a pathology that doesnot have a “gold standard”, with respect to the solutionsavailable.Results: Given the fact that the period during which thestudy was conducted was chosen randomly and that thepatients were included consecutively, the representativenessof the results is ensured for any other patient diagnosed withthis pathology and admitted to a clinic with the samespecialty, dimensions and equipment as the one presented.Conclusions: This paper compares the results of our study tothose of others, in terms of different or similar approachtherapeutic options, developed in other minimally invasivesurgery centres in the world, the final conclusions beingencouraging for the therapeutic sequence that we practice.