Association of Ventral Incisional Hernias with Comorbid Diseases
M. Akinci, K.B. Yilmaz, B. Kulah, G.E. Seker, C. Ugurlu, H. KulacogluOriginal article, no. 6, 2013
Background: Ventral incisional hernias are more commonlyassociated with comorbid diseases when compared to otherhernia types. We investigate the hypothesis that unfavourablelocal factors related to comorbid diseases may lead to incisionalhernia development.Materials and Methods: The characteristics of incisionalhernia (71 patients), primary ventral hernia (114 patients)and groin hernia groups (820 patients) were analysed andcompared among each other.Results: Advanced age, female gender, presence of coexistingdisease, strangulation, incarceration, bowel or omentumresections, deep venous thrombosis, ileus, wound infections,ASA scores were significantly higher and the duration ofhospital stay was longer in the incisional hernia group whencompared to the other groups. Presence of coexisting diseasesand ASA class scores were independent predictors of length ofhospital stay in incisional hernia patients (p 0.05).Conclusions: Ventral incisional hernias are associated withhigher incidence of comorbid diseases in comparison withother types of abdominal wall hernias. Patients with coexistingdiseases might have unfavourable local factors that lead toincisional hernia development.