Advantages of Laparoscopic Treatment in Pelvic Static Disorders by Lateral Hystero/Colpopexy - A Single Center Experience

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Advantages of Laparoscopic Treatment in Pelvic Static Disorders by Lateral Hystero/Colpopexy - A Single Center Experience

Irina Niţu, Vasile Sârbu, Silvia Savin, Silvia Șerban, Stelu Popescu, Teodor Ștefan Niţu, Maria-Sabina Neacşu
Original article, no. 2, 2024
Article DOI: 10.21614/chirurgia.2024.v.119.i.2.p.211
Introduction: Pelvic organ prolapse is the most frequent and common health problem faced by most patients, representing the descent into the vagina or beyond the introitus of one or more pelvic organs, involving three compartments: anterior-bladder, apical-uterus and posterior-rectus. Lateral hystero/colpopexy is an alternative approach in the repair of symptomatic anterior and apical pelvic prolapse. The main objective is to correct pelvic floor defects, restore anatomy, relieve pressure and maintain normal sexual function.

Material and Methods: Surgical intervention was applied to patients with prolapse greater than grade II according to the international prolapse quantification system (POP-Q). For apical, anterior prolapse, the bladder peritoneum is dissected and a polypropylene mesh is fitted to the round ligaments with suspension of the isthmus and cervix and fixation of the mesh with CapSure tacks followed by closure of the vaginal peritoneum.

Results: During the performance of the technique I had no intraoperative or postoperative complications. Conservation of the uterus proved to be effective for prolapse correction, significant improvements in patient quality of life, frequency of nocturia, degree of dyspareunia and urgency symptoms were observed.

Conclusion: Uterine preservation by lateral hystero/colpopexy is a new, feasible and successful method for treating prolapse.

Keywords: pelvic organ prolapse, laparoscopic lateral mesh suspension, uterus preservation, hysteropexy, laparoscopy, laparoscopic prolapse repair