Adrenal and Pituitary Incidentalomas in a Case of Cushing\ s Syndrome
C. Poiană, C. Chiriţă, M. Carşote, D. Hortopan, D. Ioachim, C.M. Corneci, B. StănescuClinical case, no. 6, 2013
Cushing’s syndrome is a pathological condition where surgerymay be lifesaving. The proper diagnosis depends upon thehormonal pattern of the patient, various dynamic tests andimagistic investigations. We report a case of a patient withCushing’s syndrome, with bilateral adrenal tumors and apituitary microadenoma. She presented increased levels ofbasal cortisol, unsuppressed during a low and a high doseDexamethasone test. She underwent right laparoscopicadrenalectomy and developed acute adrenal insufficiency. Twoyears after the intervention, she still requires adrenal substitutiontherapy. Acute adrenal crisis is a serious complication ofadrenal surgery, with high mortality if unrecognized.