A Rare Case of Acute Abdomen: Garengeot Hernia
V. Ardeleanu, S. Chicos, D. Tutunaru, C. GeorgescuClinical case, no. 6, 2013
The association of acute appendicitis with femoral hernia,strangulated or incarcerated, represents a rare but welldocumented pathology in the specialized medical literature,also known as Garengeot hernia. The development of an acuteappendicitis in the femoral hernia sac becomes a surgicalemergency of acute abdomen. The diagnosis is always mistakenfor the one of incarcerated or strangled hernia, the correctdiagnosis being established intraoperatively, occasion whichexposes the cecal appendix by opening the herniary bag, foundin different morphological stages of inflammation that can goas far as gangrene or even perforation. In this paper, we havereported the case of a 76 year-old female that presented withfemoral tumours, incarcerated, painful and initially consideredas an incarcerated femoral hernia, the final diagnosis beingmade intraoperatively. The treatment for these “hernias†isgenerally simple, when there are no complications of acuteappendicitis as the presence of pus in the hernia sac, andconsists in appendectomy and herniorrhaphy. The absence ofsymptoms for an acute appendicitis often delays the surgerywhich leads to frequent complications and increased rate ofmorbidity.