History of medicine DOI: 10.21614/
Professor Dr. Sergiu Duca - A Pathbreaker
C. IancuView article -
General reports DOI: 10.21614/
Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer in Japan, Trend from Standardization to Individualization
K. Maruyama, H. KataiView article -
General reports DOI: 10.21614/
Splenic Implant Assessment in Trauma
Al.L. Chiotoroiu, D.M. Venter, I. Negoi, C. Vartosu, O. Plotogea, S. Paun, M. Vartic, M. BeuranView article -
General reports DOI: 10.21614/
Therapeutic Strategies in Colonic Cancer
D. Dinu, R. Birla, A. Caragui, S. ConstantinoiuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Thyroid and Thymic Exeresis in Surgery of Hyperparathyroidism
M.R. Diaconescu, M. Glod, I. Costea, M. Grigorovici, S. DiaconescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Emergent Endovascular Repair of Ruptured Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms in a Single Center: Midterm Outcomes
A. Umit Gullu, T.D. Burnaz, E.M. Okten, S. Senay, C. Ariturk, F. Toraman, M. Kocyigit, S. Yaylaci, E.H. Karabulut, C. AlhanView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Multivisceral Echinococcosis: Concept, Diagnosis, Management
C. Grozavu, M. Ilias, D. PantileView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Single Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
A. Cotirlet, M. Nedelcu, E. Popa, R. Anghel, S. Rau, I. Motoc, E. TincuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Surgical Strategies in Severe Acute Pancreatitis (SAP): Indications, Complications and Surgical Approaches
L. Kiss, Gh.N. Sarbu, A. Bereanu, R. KissView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
The Role of Pelvic Bone Anatomy in the Pathogenesis of Inguinal Hernia
H.V. Harissis, G.K. GeorgiouView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Surgical Treatment in Stenosing Rectal Cancer
V. Deaconescu, L. Simion, M. Alecu, S. Ionescu, B. Mastalier, N.D. StrajaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Evaluation of CR-POSSUM, Original ACPGBI and New ACPGBI Scoring Systems for Colorectal Cancer Surgery
O.F. Ozkan, A. Guner, U. Kaya, C. Kece, E. Reis, S. KesiciView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Mechanisms Associated with Cervical Cancer Specific Treatment
S. Marinescu, R. Anghel, M.I. Gruia, M. BeuranView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Comparison of Two Techniques
G. C. Tender, D. SerbanView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Therapeutic Management of Massive Subcutaneous Emphysema, Bilateral Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum after Anterior Cordectomy for in situ Vocal Cord Carcinoma - Case Report
C.C. Georgescu, C. Margaritescu, I. Osman, M. Stoica, M. Mitroi, V. SurlinView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Hypertensive Late Hemothorax following Left Pneumonectomy
O. Rus, C. Motas, N. Motas, D. Achim, T. HorvatView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Congenital Agenesis of the Inferior Vena Cava - Cause of Deep Vein Thrombosis
A. Bolocan, D. Ion, D.N. Ciocan, D.N. PaduraruView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Allograft Inflow - Concern in Liver Transplantation after Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Cholangiocarcinoma
C. Lupascu, J. LerutView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Collision Tumor of the Appendix: Mucinous Cystadenoma and Carcinoid. A Case Report
D. Dellaportas, N.F. Vlahos, G. Polymeneas, G. Gkiokas, C. Dastamani, E. Carvounis, T. TheodosopoulosView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Pseudomixoma Peritonei, a Rare Entity Difficult to Diagnose and Treat - Case Report
C.I. Mavrodin, G. Pariza, V. Iordache, P. Iorga, M. SajinView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Retrorectal Dermoid Cyst Manifested as an Extrasphincteric Perianal Fistula - Case Report
A. Karagjozov, I. Milev, S. Antovic, E. KadriView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Transvaginal Coloanal Anastomosis after Rectal Resection for the Treatment of a Rectovaginal Fistula Induced by Radiation
I. BrezeanView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Secondary Extracranial Meningiomas Extending into the Paranasal Sinuses
S. Albu, I.S. Florian, G. BaciutView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Appendiceal Mucocele: Clinical and Imaging Features of 14 Cases
F. Umit Malya, M. Hasbahceci, A. Serter, G. Cipe, O. Karatepe, E. Kocakoc, M. MuslumanogluView article