General reports DOI: 10.21614/
Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Wall Defects - Omphalocele versus Gastroschisis
S. Ionescu, M. Mocanu, B. Andrei, B. Bunea, C. Carstoveanu, A. Gurita, R. Tabacaru, E. Licsandru,D. Stanescu, M. SellehView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Technical Aspects of Biliary Reconstruction Correlated with Biliary Complications in 46 Consecutive Right Lobe Liver Transplantations from Living Donors
V. Braşoveanu, C. Anghel, N. Bacalbaşa, M.I. Ionescu, E. Matei, I. Barbu, M. Grasu, D. Tomescu, I. PopescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Therapeutic Approach in Locally Advanced Colon Tumours (T4NxM0) - Clinical Experience in 18 Consecutive Cases
M. Marincaş, C. Cirimbei, V. Prunoiu, L. Lucenco, R. Buzatu, S. Ionescu, D. Mihaila, I. Stefan, E. BrătucuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Peculiarities of Lymphatic Drainage in Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma: Clinical Experience in 75 Cases
S. Voinea, A. Sandru, M. Gherghe, A. BlidaruView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Cervico-mediastinal Thyroid Masses - Our Experience
C. Nistor, A. Ciuche, C. Motaş, N. Motaş, C. Bluoss, D. Pantile, M. Davidescu, T. HorvatView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
The Utility of the Predictive Scores in Polytrauma with Abdomino-pelvic Injuries: A Series of 38 Patients
Á. Török, Ș. Bancu, R. Neagoe, M. Mureşan, T. Kántor, A. Suciu, K.E. Vas, Ö. NagyView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Predictors for In-hospital Mortality and Need for Clinical Intervention in Upper GI Bleeding: A 5-year Observational Study
D.V. Balaban, V. Strâmbu, B.G. Florea, A.R. Cazan, M. Brătucu, M. JingaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Gas Jet Transection of Liver Parenchima. Experimental research
V.V. Boyko, D.I. Skoryi, O.V. Maloshtan, O.M. Tyshchenko, T.V. Kozlova, A.O. MaloshtanView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
A Safety-Based Comparison of Pure LigaSure Use and LigaSure-Tie Technique in Total Thyroidectomy
A. Pergel, A. Fikret Yucel, I. Aydin, D.A. Sahin, S. Aras, H. KulacogluView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Early Dynamics of Leptin Plasma Level in Surgical Critically ill Patients. A Prospective Comparative Study
I. Grigoraş, D.D. Branisteanu, D. Ungureanu, D. Rusu, I. RistescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Wound Infections with Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria
H. Pîrvănescu, M. Bălăşoiu, M.E. Ciurea, A.T. Bălăşoiu, R. MănescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
A Modern Minimally Invasive Transcallosal Approach to the Third Ventricle. A personal experience of 30 patients
R. Savu, D. Mohan, A. Mohan, H.A. Moisa, A.V. CiureaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Postoperative Spondylodiscitis. A Review of 24 Consecutive Patients
D. Adam, T. Papacocea, I. Hornea, R. CroitoruView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Holmium Laser Intrarenal Lithotripsy in Pyelocaliceal Lithiasis Treatment: to Dust or to Extractable Fragments?
R. Mulţescu, B. Geavlete, D. Georgescu, P. Geavlete, L. ChiuţuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Comparative Study of Design and PCL-Substituting Systems of Total Knee Prosthesis
R. Adam, C. Orban, H. OrbanView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Surgical Approach in Difficult Tibial Pilon Fractures
B. Puha, T. Petreuş, G. Berea, P.D. Sîrbu, G. Puha, O. AlexaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
A Modified Surgical Technique for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Repositioning on Severely Atrophic Mandibles: Case Series of 11 Consecutive Surgical Procedures
H.M. Barbu, L. Levin, M.B. Bucur, R.M. Comaneanu, A. LoreanView article -
How I do it DOI: 10.21614/
Laparoscopic Approach for Rectosigmoidian Resection in Children
M. Oancea, L. Vatra, A. Kadar, C. CopăescuView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
A Case Report of Pancreatic Transection by Blunt Abdominal Trauma
V. Braşoveanu, I. Bălescu, C. Anghel, I. Barbu, M. Ionescu, N. BacalbaşaView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Stump Appendicitis - An Overlooked Clinical Entity
V. Constantin, F. Popa, A. Carâp, B. SoceaView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Laparoscopic Treatment of a Hepatic Subcapsular Abscess Secondary to Gallbladder Perforation: Case Report
D. Cristian, F. Grama, T. BurcoşView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Pure Pectus Carinatum (Not Associated with Pectus Excavatum) Solved by MIRPC (Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Carinatum) Associated with Bilateral Mamarian Hypoplasia Solved by Bilateral Breast Implants
M. Ciurea, D. Ulmeanu, D. Popa, R. Mercuţ, M. Enache, A.L. Vânvu, A. DemetrianView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Treatment of Complete Genital Prolapse by Sacrospinous Fixation, Anterior Mesh Repair and Conservation of the Uterus
L. Pirtea, D. Grigoras, R. Ilina, A. Mueller-FunogeaView article -
Image Quiz for surgeons DOI: 10.21614/
Rare Cause of Intestinal Obstruction - Submucous Lipoma of the Sigmoid Colon
L.S. Andrei, A.C. Andrei, D.L. Usurelu, L.I. Puscasu, C. Dima, E. Preda, I. Lupescu, V. Herlea, I. PopescuView article