Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Single Centre Experience with Surgical Treatment of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma
N. Vladov, Ts. Lukanova, I. Takorov, V. Mutafchiyski, I. Vasilevski, S. Sergeev, E. OdisseevaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair by lightweight polypropylene mesh with resorbable coating. Technical notes, preliminary results
G. Cavallaro, F.C. Campanile, M. Rizzello, F. Greco, O. Iorio, F. De Angelis, M. Rengo, G. SilecchiaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Mortality and Need of Surgical Treatment in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A One Year Study in a Tertiary Center with a 24 Hours / Day-7 Days / Week Endoscopy Call. Has Anything Changed?
A.M. Botianu, D. Matei, M. Tantau, M. AcalovschiView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Apoptosis, Paraptosis, Necrosis, and Cell Regeneration in Posttraumatic Cerebral Arteries
L. Danaila, I. Popescu, V. Pais, D. Riga, S. Riga, E. PaisView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Intramedullary Hemangioblastoma - Local Experience of a Tertiary Clinic
D. Serban, F. ExergianView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Peritoneal fibrinolytic activity and adhesiogenesis
S. Gradinaru Fometescu, M. Costache, A. Coveney, S.M. Oprescu, D. Serban, C. SavlovschiView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
The Use of Gastrostomy Procedures in HNC Patients
A.G. Anghel, I. Anghel, M. Dumitru, D. Cristian, T. BurcosView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Hysterectomy for Benign Uterine Pathology: Comparison Between Robotic Assisted Laparoscopy, Classic Laparoscopy and Laparotomy
S. Saceanu, V. Cela, V. Surlin, C.M. Angelescu, S. Patrascu, I. Georgescu, A. GenazzaniView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
The Assessment of Primitive or Metastatic Malignant Pulmonary Tumors in Children
Gh. Burnei, I. Draghici, St. Gavriliu, I. Georgescu, A. Burnei, C. Vlad, T. E Nayef L. DraghiciView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Epidemiological Features and Management of Complex Neck Trauma from an ENT Surgeon's Perspective
M.D. Cobzeanu, D. Palade, C. ManeaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
GST Gene Variants in Synchronous Colorectal Cancers and Synchronous Association of Colorectal Cancers with Other Cancers
D.N. Chirila, R.A. Popp, O. Balacescu, N.A. Turdeanu, N.A. Constantea, T.R. Pop, S.C. Vesa, C. CiuceView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Technical Aspects Involved in the Harvesting and Preservation of the Pancreas Used for Pancreatic Islet Allotransplantation
D. Romanescu, E. Gangone, M.P. Sarbu Boeti, R. Zamfir, S.O. Dima, I. PopescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Validation of the Romanian Translated ABC-V (Assessment of Burden in Chronic - Venous Disease) Questionnaire
D. Casian, E. Gutsu, V. CuliucView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
The Importance of Early Diagnosis of Sepsis in Severe Burned Patients: Outcomes of 100 Patients
C. Orban, D. TomescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Chewing Stress Developed in Upper Anterior Teeth with Root end Resection. A Finite Element Analysis Study
Al.A. Iliescu, C.M. Petcu, D. Nitoi, A. IliescuView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Total Necrotizing Colitis Proximal to Obstructive Left Colon Cancer: Case Report and Literature Review
R. Moldovanu, N. Vlad, G. Curca, M. Borcea, D. Ferariu, E. Tarcoveanu, G. DimofteView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Problems of Diagnosis and Treatment Caused by Ingested Foreign Bodies
C. Mesina, I. Vasile, D.I. Valcea, M. Pasalega, F. Calota, H. Paranescu, T. Dumitrescu, C. Mirea, S. MogoantaView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Associated Type IIIB and Type IV Multiple Intestinal Atresia in a Pediatric Patient
R. Balanescu, L. Topor, I. Stoica, A. MogaView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Perforation of Meckel's Diverticulum by Foreign Body, A Rare Complication
A. Cotirlet, R. Anghel , E. Tincu, S. Rau , I. Motoc , E. PopaView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome - A Major Complication of Large Incisional Hernia Surgery
C. I. Mavrodin, G. Pariza, D. Ion, V. I. AntoniacView article -
Image Quiz for surgeons DOI: 10.21614/
The MELD Score Exception for Polycystic Liver Disease
G. Smira, E. Matei, L. Gheorghe, I. PopescuView article -
Surgical Techniques DOI: 10.21614/
Technical Particularities of the Robot-Assisted Trans-Axillary Thyroidectomy
D. D. Axente, Z.Z. Major, C.M. Micu, N.A. ConstanteaView article