General reports DOI: 10.21614/
Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders after Solid Organ Transplantation in Children
A. Colita, A. Colita, L. Moise, C. Arion, I. PopescuView article -
General reports DOI: 10.21614/
Peripheral Nerve Allograft, a Reconstructive Solution: Outcomes and Benefits
O. Stefãnescu, R. Jecan, S. Bãdoiu, D.M. Enescu, I. LascãrView article -
General reports DOI: 10.21614/
Median to Ulnar Nerve Anastomosis: AReview of the Literature
M. Piagkou, S. Tasigiorgos, D. Lappas, P. Troizos-Papavassiliou, G. Piagkos, P. Skandalakis, T. DemestichaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
POSSUM, a Potentially Useful Tool for Prediction of Morbidity in Patients Undergoing Central Pancreatectomy
T. Dumitrascu, S.T. Barbu, M. Ionescu, I. PopescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Management of Bile Duct Injuries Secondary to Laparoscopic and Open Cholecystectomy. The Experience of a Single Surgical Department
F. Mihãileanu, F. Zaharie, L. Mocan, C. Iancu, L. VladView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Laparoscopic Approach to Ovarian Dermoid Cysts
E. Târcoveanu, A. Vasilescu, St. Georgescu, N. Dãnilã, C. Bradea, C. Lupascu, E. Cotea, F. Crumpei, D. Vintilã, R. Motoc-Vieriu, G. DimofteView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Six Months Results of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Treatment of Obesity and its Metabolic Complications
A. Sirbu, C. Copãescu, S. Martin, C. Barbu, R. Olaru, S. FicaView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Multi-organ Resections for Colorectal Cancer: Analysis of Potential Factors with Role in the Occurrence of Postoperative Complications and Deaths
A. Bartos, D. Bartos, F. Dunca, L. Mocanu, F. Zaharie, M. Iancu, A. Mironiuc, C. IancuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Relationship between the Incidence of Idiopathic Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis and the Location of the Thrombus depending on the Changes in Atmospheric Pressure
Z. Damnjanoviæ, M. Jovanoviæ, D. Bogdanoviæ, I. Smiljkoviæ, N. Iliæ, I. DamnjanoviæView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Sparing Anti-pseudomonas Antibiotics in Intraabdominal Infections
R. Papagheorghe, N. AngelescuView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Does VEGF have an Effect on the Survival of a Long Random Skin Flap by its Application at the Recipient Area?
S.A.Vourtsis, P.K. Spyriounis, G. Agrogiannis, A. Papalois, M. IonacView article -
Original article DOI: 10.21614/
Retrospective Study Regarding Objectives and Results of Upper Limb Transplant
P. Luculescu, F. Bodog, Z. Crãiniceanu, F. Popa, T. Bratu, I. LascãrView article -
How I do it DOI: 10.21614/
Robotic Surgery of Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Single-Surgeon Experience of 41 Cases
C. Vasilescu, L. ProcopiucView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Giant Fibrovascular Esophageal Polyp Misdiagnosed as Achalasia
I. Cordos, A. Istrate, M. Codresi, C. BolcaView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Perforated Appendix with Periappendicular Abscess in a Inguinal Hernia Sac - Amyand’s Hernia
F. Zaharie, C. Tomus, L. Mocan, A. Bartos, D. Bartos, R. Zaharie, C. IancuView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
A Clinical Case of Fournier Gangrene
F.M. Iordache, M. Beuran, C. Turculet, C. Vasilescu, D. SurdeanuView article -
Clinical case DOI: 10.21614/
Intestinal Perforated Malignant Melanoma: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Difficulties
I.D. Vîlcea, I. Vasile, A.M. Vîlcea, C.S. Mirea, C.F. Popescu, P. MitrutView article -
Image Quiz for surgeons DOI: 10.21614/
Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Urinary Bladder after Long-term Duodeno-renal and Colovesical Fistula - Case Report
J. Petrovic, G. Barisic, Z. Krivokapic, B. KrivokapicView article